SUNMine Kimberley
The City of Kimberley is looking for a buyer for the SunMine??? Is there something we don't know? The city financials for 2016 for the SunMine show it made after expenses $134,000 in 2016. It cost $5.65M (that we know of) business case would be payments of $360,000 annually for 25 years. $3.65M was subsidy money, the city borrowed $2M in a referendum that said taxpayers would not every pay again. They say they have to make $216,000 annually to break even, so what is their plan? Will they sell it to Warren Buffett? He made his billions this way, he might get it for say $1.5M all the remaining $4M taxpayers money is free a gift. He could dismantle it and take it to Arizona where the sun actually shines and they have a heavy air conditioning load in summer and burn coal for power. If you look further it gets pared down to only about $12,500 income, I don't pretend to know their bookeeping tactics. And apparently the city put in even more money, its shown as up to